【90 趴 back to the 90s party】
12/22 (六) DJs: Viv + Moffy + Dizzy + 阿強 ( 88 芭樂籽 ) ◎ 23:30~04:00;門票 $150
◎ 現場有特價 100 元的啤酒供應外 還有不定時 shot shot shot 限量免費供應,幫大伙打打氣歐!!!
◎ [描述] 就是簡單的想要有個趴,都是青春舞曲。
外加不知是年紀到了會思前顧後的階段,還是哪根筋不對,我那 iphone 中盡是滿滿的青春年華的 90 年代俗歌舞曲,於是想說那就乾脆為了那我們成長的年代來弄個 90 趴吧。
回到那... 舞曲大帝國!!NOW!! 葛來美啥會的....那個想聽歌就要殺到唱片行。搖滾樂不死,pop 橫行,嬉哈奔騰... 外加瑪麗安凱利還有鐵達尼號作亂... 還有電音派對, yash!!!...
大家 12/22 把時間空下來到地社一起玩摟!!!
活動網址 http://dizzyha.wix.com/90party
◎ DJ 名單
→ dizzy @dizzy ha
<自我介紹> 90 年代我還很瘦,畢業後放棄當畫家到廣告公司,後來愛玩等當兵跑去淘兒音樂城上班... 把所有錢都拿去買 CD 整天聽音樂跟畫圖的日子,那時只知道 2000 年是世紀末... 沒想到千禧年末日一過...日子還是要過,轉眼間又來個世界末日,看來世界末日還真多... 而我們只能依然找藉口跳舞。
→ 阿強
<自我介紹> 80 年出生的我 1987 聽羅大佑 我 1989 聽 Michael Jackson 進入 90 年代 1991 聽 GUN N ROSES 1995 聽 NIRVANA 然後過幾年我就爆炸了
→ moffy
曾任多本知名時尚雜誌主編以及現任美麗佳人行銷總監,這樣時尚的身份底下還曾為愛跑千里,遠赴北京,上海與愛人知名電音教父一同協辦各式大型活動,照理說這見過上萬人場子與媒體鎂光燈的 moffy 因該對這場小活動是信手捻來才對,但似乎對於這次的登台當 DJ 是既新鮮又膽怯,除了不願意面對繳交照片與自我介紹!!似乎更擔憂放歌出糗被愛人虧!!
看來這場重頭戲非要讓這女強人一肩扛下,雖無上台經驗,但後台經驗滿滿的 moffy 到底會為我們帶來什麼樣的夜晚!!真值得期待啊。
→ viv
<自我介紹> 90 年代的時候沈迷於 Billboard 排行榜、余光音樂雜誌以及羅小雲的知音時間,還會自己錄卡帶,把好聽的歌收集起來,後來才知道原來這叫做 mixtape。
【 underU #23 聖誕漱派對 Merry Christmas Tree Party 】
12/24 (一) DJs: 搖頭後搖滾 兔兔 DJ Acid Rabbit & 蘇蘇 ( 甜梅號 Sugar Plum Ferry )│花花草草不清新 花花 ( Legacy 燈光姐姐) & 克拉克 ( 橙草 Orangegrass )│電音大悲咒 琳琳 (王咏琳) & Zephec (金音獎差點得獎創作藝人)│UnderU 窮忙族只好漱 crew 賴賴 Sonia Lai & 堯堯 Sylvain Chao ◎ 21:00~02:00:門票 $150
◎ Hello UnderU 回來了。
在這個聖誕節為什麼不是週末的 blue Monday,我們決定要一起來同歡一下,還是一樣會為大家帶來又新奇又有趣的舞曲,以及驚心動魄喝酒場景。因為隔天要上班,我們決定要早點開始,看要來吃晚餐順便聽聽音樂小酌一下還是先請好隔天的假我們來大幹一場都很好,UnderU 誠摯邀請您一起渡過佳節。
UnderU Party is hosted by Bounce Girlz and DiSCOATTACK, it's a monthly routine party taking place at UnderWorld. From this year, we'll invite guest DJs with us, bring you the most exciting music you can have in town. Doing this for sharing the music we like to everybody, it's hard to say what genre of club music we'll be playing, cos we don't know either!! Anyway it will be the exploration of new sounds in Taipei, the music that UNDER U!!
這次因為是聖誕趴,所以我們找了一些好笑的好朋友們來放歌,而且都採取了你一首我一首男生女生配;帥哥美女back to back的組合。聖誕節嘛!大家能聚在一起喝喝酒聽音樂多好! ◎ 第一漱 漱妮啞 Sonia b2b 口交口交 Sylvain(21:00-23:00)
開場由 UnderU 地主隊華麗的聖誕開場,這好像是 Sonia & Sylvain 第一次公開 b2b,據說會放一些跟平常不一樣,比較有節慶氣氛的歌(?)
Listen Sonia's mix
Listen Sylvain aka DiSCOATTACK's mix
◎ 第二漱 花花 Legacy 燈光姐姐 b2b 克拉克 from 橙草 Orangegrass(23:00-00:00)
花花是甜美開朗的重金屬女孩,但是喝了酒會變了一個人;克拉克是橙草樂團狀似靦腆的夢幻帥哥主唱,但是喝了酒會變了一個人。據說這是他們倆個首度登台一起放歌,到底會碰撞出什麼樣的音樂火花呢?到底會不會重演花花生日派對的好笑戲碼呢? 敬請期待。
◎ 第三漱 王咏琳 b2b Zephec 金音獎差點得獎創作藝人 (00:00-01:00)
喝酒的瘋狂度跟音樂的喜愛度好像都很適合UnderU的藝文妹王咏琳終於要獻出她放歌的處女秀,這次與她搭檔的是剛結束與 Michael Mayer 同台演出以全創作 set 驚艷全場的 Zephec,不虧是 2012 第三屆金音獎入圍最佳電音單曲與最佳電音專輯藝人,UnderU 非常榮幸請到他喔。到底喜愛電子樂的兩個人會為我們準備什麼樣 groovy 的歌曲呢?非常令人期待喔!
Listen Zephec's tracks ◎ 第四漱 庫巧兔 b2b 蘇蘇(小蘇說他也要疊字) from 甜梅號 Sugar Plum Ferry (01:00-02:00)
情侶黨 b2b 終於出現了!一點都不潮的家庭主婦庫巧兔 aka DJ Acid Rabbit aka shadow 以及 indie rock 界最帥小蘇聯手打碟。別以為身為甜梅號吉他手的小蘇只會鋪陳跟大爆炸,其實他跟兔子私底下都在一起聽搖頭舞曲,也是個扎扎實實的電音戰將。據說這不是他們第一次一起放歌喔,再加上愛情的滋潤,想必將會是非常有默契的演出。
Listen Acid Rabbit's mix
◎ 就先介紹到這邊啦!!我們聖誕節見!!
圖文並茂 blogspot 版
12/26 (三) 佛香甜 + Flux
As you may already know, Underworld is once again in trouble and in need of your support. With this letter, we hope to clarify why we closed in July, why we re-opened in August, and what is happening right now.
Why did we close?
We closed because we could see the writing on the wall. After being open for over 15 years (during which time we had passed all the yearly fire inspections), we were suddenly told by inspectors that our fire exits were too narrow, despite the fact that our space had not been altered, and the law had not been changed.
We were left to conclude that the inspectors had suddenly taken notice of us due to pressure from the Shidahood Association, a group of residents that has made it their mission to close the majority of businesses in Shida, regardless of their legality. Their campaign has been remarkably successful. A quick stroll through Shida reveals a neighborhood in transition, its streets now lined with shuttered storefronts.
Once the Association took notice of us, we knew then that we had a short lease on life. We closed up shop to lick our wounds and consider our next move.
Why did we re-open?
We did not waste any time after closing our doors. We sought the help of the government, trusting that they would have an interest in protecting one of Taipei’s most valuable sources of independent art culture: us.
We were right. The Taipei City Department of Cultural sympathized with our plight and began work on a Livehouse project, which would grant a new form of business license to music clubs around Taipei City. This was indeed great news. Being granted special designation as a livehouse would help protect us from being bullied by the Shidahood Association. The city government even agreed to help us build another fire escape, ensuring that we could remain open despite the efforts of others to shut us down.
Confident now that we had the support we needed, we re-opened in August.
What is happening now?
Things have not been going well. Since re-opening, we have seen a rise in the level of harassment from police and government inspectors. The Livehouse project that offered so much hope to the independent music scene has mysteriously stalled. We know now that we will not receive the help we were promised from the government.
It is not our purpose now to speculate on the reasons why, but it would appear as though there are some powerful people in Taipei City that would love to see Underworld shut down for good.
In 10 days we’ve received 2 fines (60,000NT each) from the Taipei City Construction Management. One is due to the fire exits being too narrow (though this should have been prevented by the Livehouse project). The other fine is due to them arguing that our business registration is as a restaurant, which means it can’t be a livehouse. But by this rationale, there can be no livehouses anywhere in Taiwan, because there is no license for livehouses! The fines have begun, and the clock is now ticking. It is only a matter of time before we are extinguished by a group of people who do not value youth culture, who view us only as obstacles in their way.
What can we do?
We are going to take the fight back to the government. The main goal of the protest this Friday is to demand that the Department of Culture follows through on their promise to designate us as a Livehouse, and to do it quickly!
10/26(Fri) 9 AM, Taipei City COUNCIL
join Underworld fight for INDEPENDENT ART CULTURE!!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
SEE U at Taipei City Council 9 am This Friday (10/26) !!!
7 月 9 日上午在立法院內召開的記者會,四百多人不分哪圈或哪掛、跨越音樂類型,共同為 live house 的正名而集結,這是台灣獨立音樂人與樂迷第一次抗議式的集體現身,我們的行動是為地社事件,更為爭取台灣live house 文化的生存空間。2005-6 年的地社停演、The Wall 被開罰單等等風波,音樂人的連署行動及多次的公聽會,才讓政府部門的協調稍稍動起來,因而有了 2010 年經濟部商業司增訂的營業項目:音樂展演空間業。
但,官僚體系各自為政與保守作為,讓音樂展演空間業徒有空殼,關於營業、建築、消防等疊床架屋的舊法規依舊不動如山。因此 2011-2 年台中 live house 一家一家關門、女巫店到地社事件,讓我們對政府的灰心失望中重新燃起行動的火苗。
我們的行動,與立委、市議員的協助,促成了與北市府相關部門的協調。更重要的是,在 7 月短短的兩個星期,臉書上自發性的書寫與相互打氣:有朋友邀集樂團做音樂合輯;更多人從地社與 live house 的所在情感,書寫自身的生命經驗,共構了獨立音樂與青年文化的情感社群;有人發起網路社群,討論師大商圈爭議中單方力量對多樣文化價值的抹殺與城市包容性的期待。
有人會問,這次地社的復業,是否解決了營業的「合法」問題呢?法條是死的,人的活動是社會關係的!法律只是人的社會活動規範之一。如果每每以法律為最高規範標準,台灣就不會有解嚴,因為戒嚴時期法律明文禁止人民的集會結社及言論自由權。法令具有合法性,但對於被規範的人民而言,它的正當性可以時時刻刻受到挑戰,因為我們沒有適用於已發展了近二十多年的 live house 的表演及文化的法規,所以現有的法規相互嵌卡、把 live house 空間及人的音樂活動與日常互動,卡死在政府官員腦袋裡與法條小框框中。
我們恢復供餐,但不會放棄音樂表演,因為它們都是地社商業登記中的項目。但這還不夠,7 月 19 日的華山行動,我們邀請龍應台部長出面,以掌管全國文化業務主事者的身份對 live house 營業的相關法規做通盤整頓與修訂。當天的行動再次證明集體力量的潛力,我們還等著龍部長到地社及其他的 live house 實地走訪,另一方面,比較具體的是,台北市政府文化局長劉維公已發動 live house 空間的修繕計畫,是對這些年來獨立音樂人與 live house 業者努力的善意回應。
這一波的 live house 正名行動不能停留在上一次 2005-6 年爭取到的一個空殼,我們必須持續發揮集體力量,要求文化部至少做到以下幾件事:
1.在一個月內召開立法、行政部門以及 live house 業者、音樂人、樂迷參與的公聽會,以作為修法的正當依據。
2. 因為修法過程冗長,文化部必須每六個月對外公布說明 live house 的修法進度。
3.其間文化部及相關單位對於 live house 的協調及諮詢會議必須稟著資訊公開原則,公布於網站,讓人民可以監督,一方面也降低溝通的落差與誤解。
地社的復業,是堅持,也是不甘心,但相信大夥不會再流淚了!透過一個月的行動與情感的共振,我們找到集體的力量,即便往後的每一天都可能是地社的最後一天,亦彌足珍惜。分享音樂的樂趣與追求自由、不羈的渴望讓我們可以面對師大商圈的爭議,推動 live house 正名運動,繼續為共創的價值打拼。
In July of this year the legendary Taipei live venue Underworld closed its shutters with a thump to the heart of all of us. With love for that space and the people who gathered there, and with an air of resistance to the Man who forced it to shut down, we are going to put on an impromptu event in Tokyo, with performers who all have a special connexion to Underworld.
at NOB Shibuya, on August 21st, 2012 (tuesday)
19:30 open, 19:50 start
entrance is a choice between:
2500 yen including all you can drink
1500 yen including one drink
The line-up at present will be:
Takashi Hasegawa (solo set... first time in how many years?)
Shinnosuke Shirakura (quizmaster set)
Icon Girl Pistols
and more...?
Also, our friends 1976 from Taiwan will be in Japan for summersonic so hopefully they can join us for a few drinks. However, they will not be performing at this event (.........but you never know what can happen at underworld???)