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6/07 (五) Space Meow + 那我懂你意思了 + 拾參樂團 ◎ 活動詳情 more details ◎ 告別前,最後一集! 陪伴我們一起長大的地社就要被迫關門大吉了... 這也會是拾參進入閉關錄音前最後一場台北 Live house 的演出! 進入...

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

東京地社趴 a night in Underworld

臉書活動頁面 facebook event page

地下社會的日本好友 Icon Girl Pistols 趁著老友 1976 將和 四分衛 五月天 等台灣樂團一同赴日在 Summer Sonic 演唱,特別安排舉辦一場聲援地下社會的演唱活動。

這場活動將於 8 月 21 日 (星期二) 在渋谷的 NOB 舉行,演出的長谷川俊、白倉新之助(quizmaster set)、Icon Girl Pistols 都曾多次在地下社會演出。1976 也會出席和大家聊天喝酒看團,但尚未確定是否演出。門票有兩種選擇:¥1,500 附一份飲料;¥2,500 則可無限暢飲。

關於 Icon Girl Pistols 及其前身團 Quizmaster 和 1976、地下社會的淵源,請參看其陣子在這裡發表的這篇文章〈地下社會生活者〉

In July of this year the legendary Taipei live venue Underworld closed its shutters with a thump to the heart of all of us. With love for that space and the people who gathered there, and with an air of resistance to the Man who forced it to shut down, we are going to put on an impromptu event in Tokyo, with performers who all have a special connexion to Underworld.

at NOB Shibuya, on August 21st, 2012 (tuesday)
19:30 open, 19:50 start

entrance is a choice between:
2500 yen including all you can drink
1500 yen including one drink

The line-up at present will be:

Takashi Hasegawa (solo set... first time in how many years?)
Shinnosuke Shirakura (quizmaster set)
Icon Girl Pistols
and more...?

Also, our friends 1976 from Taiwan will be in Japan for summersonic so hopefully they can join us for a few drinks. However, they will not be performing at this event (.........but you never know what can happen at underworld???)





白倉新之助 (quizmaster set)
icon girl pistols
and more...?


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