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地下社會 ★★★ 最後 ★★★ 節目表

6/07 (五) Space Meow + 那我懂你意思了 + 拾參樂團 ◎ <( ‵▽′)╯_ˍ▁▂▃▄ 啊啊啊各位 Space Meow 要表演啦 亞洲版 Space Meow featuring ♥ 很清新很清新的票房小紅星 阿彭 ♥ 很多器材的音速死馬動感電...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


11/02 (五) 強迫女孩 + 馬克白

11/03 (六) Shimmer Riot + 槍擊潑辣

11/07 (三) Dallas Waldo + 陳誇張

11/09 (五) BHD + Luxury Apartments

11/10 (六) The Stain + 嗎啡隱私

11/14 (三) 低明度時期 + Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea 旅人

【Easy 專輯殺青派對】
11/16 (五) Easy + 拍謝少年

11/17 (六) 隨性 + 逆瓣膜

11/21 (三) 野鹿 + M.O.W.A.

【skip skip ben ben 專輯發片派對】
11/23 (五) 人 HUMAN BEINGS + skip skip ben ben

11/24 (六) Frusciante 佛香甜 + 澄草

11/28 (三) 愛上我只會讓你傷心難過 + Ego-Fugue

11/30 (五) 屍術控 + 77 'n DD

地下社會 ● 師大路 45 號 B1 ◎ 02 - 23690103
◎ 樂團演出時間與票價﹝票價不同的場次另註﹞:
→ 每週三:9:00 ~ 11:00 pm;門票 tickets:$100〔不附飲料〕
→ 每週五、六:9:00 ~ 11:00 pm;門票 tickets:$300〔附飲料〕
◎ 所有場次開放預售票銷售,每場限售 50 張,售完現場不再發售
◎ 預售票價與現場票價相同,但可依門票序號優先入場
◎ 預售票售出後恕不接受退換。遇演出取消,退票事宜將另行公告
◎ 為免影響鄰近商家營業,請勿於地下社會門口集結排隊
◎ 預售票請於營業時間內跟吧台購買。
◎ 營業時間:周二~四 9:00 pm - 4 am,周五~六 9:00 pm - 5 am
◎ 周日一公休 sun./mon. off
◎ 未帶身分證及未滿 18 歲者請勿入場 id required
◎ 演出 booking 請洽 underworldband@gmail.com 。請於 email 主旨 (標題) 註明團名,並附樂團連結 (試聽) 及連絡方式。
◎ 地下社會演出規劃與協調人員為秋生‧小搖‧大師兄。
◎ 排定演出後請建立 facebook 活動並將活動連結或張貼到 facebook 地下社會 粉絲團 社團 after booking please set up facebook event & link/post event info on Underworld's fanpage or grouppage
◎ 演唱器材、綵排等事宜請洽 PA 翔竹
索取節目表 mailing list 〔主旨請註明索取節目表〕

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

地下社會 1026 抗議行動動員令

地下社會台北市議會前抗議行動 揪人動員令

地點:台北市市議會大門前 (台北市仁愛路4段507號)

復業又受罰 地下社會遭追殺!
剷除創作樂團基地 城市魅力空口白話!

位於師大路的live house地下社會,歷經了7月初的歇業事件,在眾多音樂人相挺,7月9日立法院記者會與7月19日華山藝文特區向文化部長龍應台的抗議行動,讓社會大眾對於live house之於創作音樂的重要性與台灣流行音樂文化的積累的關係有了進一步的理解。在立委林淑芬與市議員梁文傑的協助,於7月12日與台北市政府文化局長劉維公、都發局人員、文化部代表召開了協調會。

恣意追殺地社 政府威信何在?







從地下社會2005年停演、音樂人力促立法、音樂人與live house業者不斷地與政府部門開會、2010年經濟部商業司增登J603010音樂展演空間業、地社2011年增加此營業項目、2011年女巫店歇業風波、到今年10月文化部與live house業者對於音樂展演業的修法彙整會議,政府的修法步伐牛步,難以整合各相關部門,雖遭音樂界人士詬病,但總有一個原則,亦即live house音樂展演業不同於音樂廳的音樂表演,它是流行音樂產業的一環,這種複合式的行業(音樂展演的票務加上餐飲等商業行為),是青年文化重要的一環。
若從現行增修的「建築物之使用類別」看,音樂展演業應屬B類的商業類(但既有的四個子類都與live house的性質不同!)。創作音樂是流行音樂產業的基底,有其自身的商業機制,但它決不是都發局為了要地社關門就擅自將之歸類的休閒、文教活動。新增新的子類別正是這些年年音樂人不斷倡議的live house正名的方向。(英國新的修法,200人以下的live house展演,不需申請牌照!)

1. 北市府文化局應繼續執行修繕計畫!
2. 北市府都發局應要求師大路43、45號大樓恢復大樓通往 地下室的防空避難逃生口。並撤銷第一張罰單!
3. 除非正式告知大眾修繕計畫無法執行的理由,否則郝市長應指示各部門,在修繕計畫的進行之際,不能對計畫中的所有live house進行處罰。
4. 文化部整合各部會及加速「live house正名」修法步伐!並行文通知北市府都發局,撤銷第二張罰單!



Go fighting with Underworld (an open letter)

To the Fans of Underworld and Independent Art:

As you may already know, Underworld is once again in trouble and in need of your support. With this letter, we hope to clarify why we closed in July, why we re-opened in August, and what is happening right now.

Why did we close?

We closed because we could see the writing on the wall. After being open for over 15 years (during which time we had passed all the yearly fire inspections), we were suddenly told by inspectors that our fire exits were too narrow, despite the fact that our space had not been altered, and the law had not been changed.

We were left to conclude that the inspectors had suddenly taken notice of us due to pressure from the Shidahood Association, a group of residents that has made it their mission to close the majority of businesses in Shida, regardless of their legality. Their campaign has been remarkably successful. A quick stroll through Shida reveals a neighborhood in transition, its streets now lined with shuttered storefronts.

Once the Association took notice of us, we knew then that we had a short lease on life. We closed up shop to lick our wounds and consider our next move.

Why did we re-open?

We did not waste any time after closing our doors. We sought the help of the government, trusting that they would have an interest in protecting one of Taipei’s most valuable sources of independent art culture: us.

We were right. The Taipei City Department of Cultural sympathized with our plight and began work on a Livehouse project, which would grant a new form of business license to music clubs around Taipei City. This was indeed great news. Being granted special designation as a livehouse would help protect us from being bullied by the Shidahood Association. The city government even agreed to help us build another fire escape, ensuring that we could remain open despite the efforts of others to shut us down.

Confident now that we had the support we needed, we re-opened in August.

What is happening now?

Things have not been going well. Since re-opening, we have seen a rise in the level of harassment from police and government inspectors. The Livehouse project that offered so much hope to the independent music scene has mysteriously stalled. We know now that we will not receive the help we were promised from the government.

It is not our purpose now to speculate on the reasons why, but it would appear as though there are some powerful people in Taipei City that would love to see Underworld shut down for good.

In 10 days we’ve received 2 fines (60,000NT each) from the Taipei City Construction Management. One is due to the fire exits being too narrow (though this should have been prevented by the Livehouse project). The other fine is due to them arguing that our business registration is as a restaurant, which means it can’t be a livehouse. But by this rationale, there can be no livehouses anywhere in Taiwan, because there is no license for livehouses!

The fines have begun, and the clock is now ticking. It is only a matter of time before we are extinguished by a group of people who do not value youth culture, who view us only as obstacles in their way.

What can we do?

We are going to take the fight back to the government. The main goal of the protest this Friday is to demand that the Department of Culture follows through on their promise to designate us as a Livehouse, and to do it quickly!

10/26(Fri) 9 AM, Taipei City COUNCIL
join Underworld fight for INDEPENDENT ART CULTURE!!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
SEE U at Taipei City Council 9 am This Friday (10/26) !!!


Saturday, October 20, 2012



地社收到的第二張罰單,違反建築法規73條。具體是說它的建築使用是屬於G3 (供一般門診、零售、日常服務之場所)非法進行音樂展演,是D2(供參觀、閱覽、會議之場所)營業。

XX的!北市都發局太荒唐!竟然幫中央機關認定音樂展演在建築使用上的類別,我看若這成了判例,全台灣幾乎所有的live houses 都完蛋了,文化部也別協調各機關制訂 live houses 法規了!這麼荒謬的事他們作得出來,背後到底誰在挾持政府「執法」呢?

10/26 不要忘了,上午 9.00 在北市市議會大門口,我們用行動來表達不滿,是為地社,也為正義,更是表達對於一小撮準法西斯人士的不滿!

北市府對地社的追殺已到趕盡殺絕的地步。我們明明在商業司的登記項目有 J603010 音樂展演空間類!法律到底為誰所用?誰在打市府文化局和龍應台一巴掌?

預告:下星期五(10/26)上午 9:00 我們會去市政府抗議!

地下社會發言人 何東洪

明確告訴地社列入 live house 修繕計劃
就在 8.15 復業當天

然後消防局, 管區警查也接連來瞭解復業狀況
8.24 消防局; 9.14 文化局商業司都發局消防局聯合會勘;
9.20 噪音檢測; 9.21 商業局都發局消防局聯合稽查;
9.22 警察臨檢; 10.09 噪音檢測...
其中 9.21 的稽查, 當場在門口被貼了消防和建管警告貼紙
(消防由於列入 live house 修繕計劃後來撤消警告貼紙)