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Sunday, November 26, 2006


現在詩大字報曰詩曰大曰字曰報曰免費都實現了除了免費(為什麼不能免費,因為---這必須押韻地說:因為一切條件都還不配---)大字報企圖全球串連全世界任何城市凡具備印刷設備者都歡迎聚眾徵詩自行審稿設計印刷發行屬於自己城市的詩的大字報以詩為名以城市為單位想辦法讓我們知道與我們連成一氣只要在首頁加上現在詩大字報LOGO 另外加上城市的名字不管印多少份請留幾份未來與別的城市交換另留幾份航空海運飛鴿氫氣球送到台北大字報出發的地方為了不知道多少年以後我們就忽然可以辦一個各種文字的大字報展覽裡面都是詩這是一個偉大的詩的烏托邦計畫卡在錢因為我們現在沒錢所以不能給你錢你必須自己想辦法找錢如果你覺得那又何必幹嘛那麼累串連是要怎樣那就算了我們就自己印行下去只要有詩又找得到印刷的錢而且希望有朝一日可以提供各地經費而且免費串連辦法未盡完備請不吝提供意見我們的連絡方式:10699 台北郵局第96-601號信箱P.O.BOX 96-601 TAIPEI CITY 10699 TAIWAN R.O.C.E-mail: poetrynow2002@hotmail.com

The Poetry Now Free Poetry Dazibao Global Utopian Project is everything it says it is—everything, that is, except for the “free” part. Why isn’t it free? Well, here’s a truth best told in rhyme, at this particular point in time, conditions don’t agree. Printing costs money, and money for poetry is hard to come by in our prosaic age. But the idea of the Free Poetry Dazibao, or “Big Character Poster,” is free and one worth freely sharing on a global basis. With the publication of the poster you see before you, the contributors to Poetry Now invite other editors and poets from around the world to create their own poetry posters based on the traditional (albeit now quite novel) format of the Chinese Dazibao as a practical and progressive alternative to more conventional methods of disseminating poetry. In contrast to the book and journal, the Dazibao can, for example, be put up on a wall, read like a newspaper and even folded into a flyer or an elegant chapbook. All we ask in exchange for participation in our as-yet-not-quite-free poetry project is (1) that you put the Poetry Now Poetry Dazibao LOGO next to the name of the city in which you are publishing your poster, and (2) that you send a few copies of your poster to other cities participating in this project, including, of course, Taipei, where the idea of the Poetry Dazibao originated. It is our hope, at some future date, to hold an exhibition of Poetry Dazibao from around the world. So join us in this utopian project. Who knows, maybe one day conditions will finally agree and we’ll be free to make the idea of a truly Free Poetry Dazibao a reality. P.S., as the Free Poetry Dazibao Global Utopian Project is very much a work-in-progress, we welcome suggestions. Please write us at P.O.BOX 96-601 TAIPEI CITY 10699 TAIWAN R.O.C.E-mail: poetrynow2002@hotmail.com

銷售地點 :
::北 部::
地下社會 (師大)
舊香居 (師大)
唐山書店 (台大)
小白兔唱片 (The Wall)
有河BOOK (淡水)
小小書房 (永和)

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